Media Consulting Services


Media monitoring is a process of identification, collection, and analysis of the information based on specific keywords or topics. The results of the monitoring are kept and archived, and help public relations specialists to determine followings:

  • Portrayed image of the organization or person in the public;
  • Effectiveness of the implemented projects and advertisements;
  • Risk signals in the operational environment;
  • Results of the crisis communication;
  • Dissemination level of the released information and/or conveyed messages;
  • Identification and reach of the target audience.

Continuous development of the world we live in results in diversification and increase of information sources as well. Besides classic sources like newspaper and TV, social media became one of the most important targets of the media monitoring. Such rapid growth of information volumes leads to reduced effectiveness of the monitoring process handled by individuals. According to the statistics, despite strenuous efforts, individuals usually miss approximately 50 percent of the information looked for. Therefore, automatized media monitoring systems became a must for carrying out effective and reliable media monitoring.

Media Consulting and Services offers professional and high-quality solutions for this task. Subscribing to our media monitoring service you will get exceptional advantages like:

  • Exclusive smart cabinet;
  • 7/24 updated news feed;
  • Optimization of the format and graphic of the news delivery to the purposes and preferences of the customer;
  • Filtration of recurring and invalid information;
  • Classification of collected information into various categories based on keywords and topics;
  • Monitoring of all media sources, including social media platforms;
  • Collection, management, export (to pdf, doc, and excel files), and analysis of the information;
  • Search functionality, including retrospective searches;
  • Delivery of important news with 10, 20, 30 minutes intervals via mobile applications during crises or other emergencies; etc.

Using advanced technologies, we carry out media monitoring of almost 600 online resources, 55 newspapers, 10 TV channels, 12 radio channels and social media platforms daily. The number of monitored online information sources grows by 7 percent per year (according to the statistics of the last couple of years).  Surely, professional support for handling this amount of workload is necessary. At this point, we are proud to note that our professional team, advanced tools and technologies, thorough knowledge, and enhanced experience let us deliver 7/24 media monitoring based on keywords and topics specified by you.