Media Consulting Services


Though monitoring and collection of information are one of the core components of public relations activities, if not analyzed, collected information is nothing but a raw material. Only thorough analysis will start ‘talking’ about the outcome of implemented projects. Considering the huge volume of information that could come up during monitoring of specific timeframe or topic, reading of all of them one-by-one is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, support of professionals with right tools and equipment is vital to understand the media and the public.

Proper information analysis is one of the most important ways of measuring the outcomes of delivered activities in many spheres. Just like in investments, finance or other sectors, analytics is important in public relations as well to understand, measure and quantify the success of carried out works. Thorough information analysis will help you to:

  • Understand the target audience;
  • Discover portrayed reputation based on the characteristics of news about the organization and keep an eye on it;
  • Determine ‘popularity’ of the organization based on the amount of mentioned debates and news in a specific timeframe;
  • Track the media coverage of organized events and other activities;
  • Properly and effectively transmit organization’s interests and messages to the public; etc.

Benefits of information analysis are not limited to aforementioned. An analysis will help you not only understand your position and reputation in the public, but will also give insight into the competitors, their media activity, and overall trends in the sector of operation. These are crucial for any company or entity operating in a competitive environment. A good analysis will help you to be aware of the course of implemented activities and its success rate. Considering all these, hiring a professional company for information analysis will take your organization’s activities to next level.

Media Consulting and Services offers professional information analysis carried out using advanced tools and software. Our experienced team ready to deliver an exceptional outcome that will help your organization to stand out from the crowd. Analysis can be conducted on daily, weekly and monthly basis depending on aims set forward. We are proud that today, plenty of organizations operating in Azerbaijan are benefitting from our services in this direction. Media Consulting and Services is ready to deliver detailed analytical reports that will help you to understand the results of carried out public relations activities.